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Overlapped log is printed-after Fix#4 applied

Hi Team,

Provide assistance.......

I have received overlapped output after  Fix#4 patch applied 

=================== PATCH INFORMATION ===================
   - method invocation failure with no argument in MBeanServerConnection
   - -cachelogin and -f, both can be used for cache login.
   - [ims184457] fix bugs related with thread local and add check logic for migration
   - [ims130367] session patch merge
   - fix max post size not work in TCP listener
   - set max post size in web admin or console admin
   - fix ims-120850(NoClassDefFoundError can be occured when common tag file is compiling for other jsp file)
   - [ims130367] session patch merge
   - [merge][ims126178] failback count zero
   - [merge][ims112710] session manager received error patcket
   - [merge][ims116039] session listener bound detect problem
   - ims-120414 : session remote event occurred before deployment was completed
   - ims-115908 : when use AsyncContext.start() and call complete(), thread.getContextClassloader() returns RootClassLoader
   - ims-103266 : fix NPE when add anonymous listener class, fix jsp reloading when set check-include-jspfile
   - merge patch jext_v7004_i127828_a822054.jar and jext_v7004_i105633_a702098.jar.jar
   - Resolve problem about decoding '+'(plus) to ' '(white space) in POST request
   - fix hang when too many parameter is in body
   - User can decide whether not to check if connection is already closed before calling connection api.
   - Following features are added.
   - When data source connection leak occurs, user can perform following two operations.
   - 1. Forcibly return connection to the connection pool.
   - 2. Forcibly destroy connection from the connection pool.
   - do not print stacktrace during detecting IP Address format.
   - fix deploy fail(IllegalStateException: zip file closed)
   - supports the constructor of jeus.jdbc.connectionpool.DataSourceWrapper that has no argument for Spring JDK dynamic proxy
   - Log file is named by its opened time. It ensures the name of the log file doesn't overlap.
   - Copying thread and other issues are also fixed.
   - MethodNotFoundException in using EL
   - Fix an issue that jmx connection fails with "Access denied (javax.management.remote.SubjectDelegationPermission)"
   - This issue occurs when using up-to-date jdks.
   - security config. is not applied for context root request
   - JNDI operation checks some graceful redeploy settings. In this process, some
   - execution contexts are changed to each other. Classloader, however, should
   - not be changed at this moment. This patch fixed the unnessecerily
   - classloader changing.
   - Do not cache processed master view id anymore
   - update MasterNode's sysadv field too.
   - Sub group cannot be added concurrently
   - tag file is recompiled everytime occured in jsp or other tag files
   - fix jms clustering bug (Async consumer from queue cannot receive message)
   - [ims113445] request.isRequestedSessionIdValid() problem
   - fix WebSocketSession close() method Explicitly
   - websocket cannot read v6
   - Remove NIOSelector's pipe impl.
   - Need to close Initial Context in looking up Datasource and connectionpool
   - merge ims-106384(Standardied method) & ims-103233(If-range header)
   - ims-106384
   - Block non standardized http method for jsp and ResourceServlet
   - standardized http method is GET POST DELETE PUT HEAD OPTIONS TRACE CONNECT
   - Need property setting (jeus.servlet.jsp.allowOnlyStandardizedMethod=true)
   - ims-103233
   - If-range header parsing code Error in ResourceServlet
   - merge conflicted patches ims-106359 + ims-103230
   - [ims-106359]
   - web.xml <async-supported> not work in jeus.servlet.servlets.JspServlet(*.jsp) mapping
   - [ims-103230]
   - NullPointerException occurs when we handle jsp file below sequence
   - request -> move -> request -> restore -> request
   - The deployment tool will choose a new unique name for application if its name conflicts with an already deployed application.
   - fix encoding for default-error-page
   - [ims105359] DEBUG patch for backup table
   - [ims105359] gms checher thread modify
   - RotationDir setting uses file name as its value when the rotaion dir path is absolute value. fix the bug.
   - Support Array Wrapper type in document/literal mode.
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/AbstractWebSessionManager.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/DynamicBackupManager.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/JeusDistributedWebSessionManager$*.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/JeusDistributedWebSessionManager.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/JeusPersistWebSessionManager$*.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/JeusPersistWebSessionManager.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/replication/AbstractDynamicRemoteEngine.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/impl/distributed/replication/FailBackWork.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
jeus/servlet/sessionmanager/session/AbstractWebSession.class overlapped, check following files :
   - jext/jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar(loaded)
   - jext/jext_v7004_i130367_a844722.jar
JEUS 7.0 (Fix#4)

2.5 How to verify duplicate JEUS patches 

After applying the downloaded patch file to the JEUS_HOME/lib/jext directory, run the jeusadmin command to verify whether the patch is duplicate. 

If the patch information is not printed, set '-Djeus.tool.console.patchinfo=true' in either the JEUS_HOME/jeus.properties file or jeusadmin file. 

If the following log is printed when running jeusadmin, contact TmaxSoft Call Center (call at 1544-8629). 

[/home/user/jeus7/lib/jext]# jeusadmin 

=================== PATCH INFORMATION =================== 



[IMS 228715] request for session patch. 


[ims130367] session patch merge 

[merge][ims126178] failback count zero 

[merge][ims112710] session manager received error packet 




overlapped, check following files : 





I need an answer
Answer 0
View 51
Written by Sushma on
2022.10.13 14:30
Why JEUS 7 & WebtoB can't listening port 9900?


When i install Jeus7 on Linux,WebtoB is installed in this path like :  jeus7/webserver。

The  ws_engine.m  content :


  WEBTOBDIR = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver",
  SHMKEY    = 54000,
  DOCROOT   = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/docs",
  PORT      = "8080",
  LOGGING   = "log1",
  ERRORLOG  = "log2",
  SYSLOG    = "log3",
  JSVPORT   = 9900,
  HTH       = 1
htmlg       SVRTYPE = HTML
cgig        SVRTYPE = CGI
ssig        SVRTYPE = SSI
jsvg        SVRTYPE = JSV

html        SVGNAME = htmlg, MinProc = 1,  MaxProc = 2, ASQCount = 5
cgi         SVGNAME = cgig,  MinProc = 1,  MaxProc = 2, ASQCount = 5
ssi         SVGNAME = ssig,  MinProc = 1,  MaxProc = 2, ASQCount = 5
default     SVGNAME = jsvg,  MinProc = 5,  MaxProc = 5, ASQCount = 5

uri1        Uri     = "/cgi-bin/",  Svrtype = CGI
uri2        Uri     = "/examples/", Svrtype = JSV

alias1      URI     = "/cgi-bin/", RealPath = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/cgi-bin/"

log1        Format  = "DEFAULT",   FileName = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/log/access_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync"
log2        Format  = "ERROR",     FileName = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/log/error_%Y%%M%%D%.log",  Option = "sync"
log3        Format  = "SYSLOG",     FileName = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/log/system_%Y%%M%%D%.log",  Option = "sync"

htm         MimeType = "text/html",  SvrType = HTML
jsp         Mimetype = "application/jsp",  Svrtype=JSV

I  run the command  

wscfl -i ws_engine.m


Here is webtob's log :

[2020/07/12:12:00:27] WSM-8844 I WSM0087: WebtoB on node (deepin) is starting. Version=WebtoB 4.1 SP 8 Fix #1 Linux-K2.6_x64 FD8192 B291 epoll 2015/01/29, edition=Light, type=REAL
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0012: Preparing the listening points during the initialization.
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0055: Preparing the listening points. mask=0xfffe0000, arg1=-1, index=-1, maximum listen set size=0
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0054: Initializing the listening points.
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0007: Accepted a connection from HTH. new fd=5  errno=0(Success)
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0033: Adding a new HTH to the HTH set. fd=5
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0034: Found an unused slot for the new HTH. no=0, fd=5, status=0, pid=-1
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0018: Received a register request from HTH. index=0, fd=5
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0019: Adjusting the listening points for the newly registered HTH. index=0
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0055: Preparing the listening points. mask=0xffff, arg1=-1, index=-1, maximum listen set size=1
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0056: Listening point needs a new socket. addr=, type=0x1, hthno=-1, status=1
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0047: Create a listen socket. addr=, port=8080, backlog=511, sendbufsize=0, recvbufsize=0
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0057: Listening point status=LISTEN.
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0055: Preparing the listening points. mask=0x10000, arg1=0, index=-1, maximum listen set size=1
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0021: Successfully registered HTH. Start listening for this HTH. index=0, fd=5
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTH-8846 I HTH0074: Successfully connected and registered to HTL. HTH is ready to receive client connections.

But the port 9900 is not be listened. Can you help me ?

This the jeus7's server log:

[2020.07.12 12:06:03][1] [adminServer-92] [WEB-3347] deepin-hth0: Connecting to WebtoB[localhost:9900] failed because of a network error [java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused]. Check if WebtoB is running. If it is not, contact the administrator.


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Answer 2
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Written by JoinJeus on
2020.07.12 13:23

Registration status by solution

  • JEUS
  • WebtoB
  • Tmax
  • HyperFrame
  • AnyLink
  • SysMaster
  • OpenFrame Replatform
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