jeus 엔지니어 지원으로 jeus/bin 파일에 msdown 라는 alias 가 설정되어있습니다
msdown 실행 시
jeusadmin -host `hostname`:9966 -domain $DOMAIN_NAME -u 계정명 - cache login -f $ENCODE_FILE "local-shutdown -to 120"
으로 설정되어있습니다
msdown의 명령어를 container stopped 일때만 실행으로 변경하고 싶습니다
현재 SpringBoot를 war로 패키징하여 JEUS8(Demo버전)에 배포를 하는데, 아래와 같은 오류가 계속 발생하여 문의 드립니다.
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyWeldBean' defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Dev/TmaxSoft/JEUS8/lib/system/com.ibm.jbatch-runtime-all.jar!/com/ibm/jbatch/container/services/impl/WeldSEBatchArtifactFactoryImpl.class]: Post-processing of merged bean definition failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to introspect Class [com.ibm.jbatch.container.services.impl.WeldSEBatchArtifactFactoryImpl] from ClassLoader [jeus.server.classloader.RootClassLoader@45ee12a7]
* 추신: war로 패키징할때 임베디드 톰캣은 제외 하였으며, 현재 사용하는 라이브러리는 아래와 같습니다.
Hi Team,
Provide assistance.......
I have received overlapped output after Fix#4 patch applied
2.5 How to verify duplicate JEUS patches
After applying the downloaded patch file to the JEUS_HOME/lib/jext directory, run the jeusadmin command to verify whether the patch is duplicate.
If the patch information is not printed, set '-Djeus.tool.console.patchinfo=true' in either the JEUS_HOME/jeus.properties file or jeusadmin file.
If the following log is printed when running jeusadmin, contact TmaxSoft Call Center (call at 1544-8629).
[/home/user/jeus7/lib/jext]# jeusadmin
=================== PATCH INFORMATION ===================
[IMS 228715] request for session patch.
[ims130367] session patch merge
[merge][ims126178] failback count zero
[merge][ims112710] session manager received error packet
overlapped, check following files :
How and where can I get a copy of these patches listed below.
This is in regard to JEUS Session Security Vulnerability Patching.
2.3 Patch files list
- JEUS 7 Fix#2 : jext_v7002_i228717_a1422928.jar
- JEUS 7 Fix#3 : jext_v7003_i228716_a1422404.jar
- JEUS 7 Fix#4 : jext_v7004_i184457_a1152859.jar
- JEUS 7 Fix#5 : jext_v7005_i228186_a1410365.jar
네이버 클라우드에서 제공되고 있는 이미지를 사용하여 현재 서비스 하고 있는중 취약점 점검시
첨부해 드린 내용중 취약점이 발견되었습니다.
해당 취약점은 패치가 필요하다는것이 확인되어 이에 패치 가능여부 확인 부탁드립니다.
고객사 : KDB산업은행
Version : Cloud Edation jeus 8.0
취약점 : HTTP Request Smuggling
네이버클라우드에서 받은 답변 :
해당 취약점의 경우 WAF/IPS에서 차단이 불가하며 일반적으로 해당 취약점의 경우 WAS 업데이트를 통해서 조치가 이루어지고 있습니다.
- https://www.boho.or.kr/data/secNoticeView.do?bulletin_writing_sequence=35279
안녕하세요, 제우스8 - 자바8 을 사용 중이며, JEUS8의 8088번 포트(http로 사용 중)에 ssl 속성을 지정한 뒤에 keystore, trustkeystore속성을 지정한 뒤에 https:// URL 을 입력하면 아래와 같은 로그 메시지를 출력하며 접속이 되질 않습니다.
첨부된 파일과 같이 속성을 지정해주었습니다. 답변 부탁드립니다.
[2021.04.07 07:56:46][2] [server1-100] [WEB-3383] The WJP connection[localhost/, sid=19] was established.
[2021.04.07 07:57:22][1] [server1-103] [NET-0006] An exception occurred while accepting a connection from NonBlockingChannelAcceptor:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported protocolhttps
at sun.security.ssl.ProtocolVersion.namesOf(ProtocolVersion.java:284)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLEngineImpl.setEnabledProtocols(SSLEngineImpl.java:707)
at jeus.util.protocol.ssl.SSLConfig.setSSLPropertiesOnEngine(SSLConfig.java:55
Hi , How can i deploy Springboot application to the Jeus? Is need web.xml ?
Please help me, Thank you.
When i install Jeus7 on Linux,WebtoB is installed in this path like : jeus7/webserver。
The ws_engine.m content :
*DOMAINjeuservice*NODEdeepin WEBTOBDIR = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver", SHMKEY = 54000, DOCROOT = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/docs", PORT = "8080", NODENAME = "$(NODENAME)", LOGGING = "log1", ERRORLOG = "log2", SYSLOG = "log3", JSVPORT = 9900, HTH = 1 *SVRGROUPhtmlg SVRTYPE = HTMLcgig SVRTYPE = CGIssig SVRTYPE = SSIjsvg SVRTYPE = JSV*SERVERhtml SVGNAME = htmlg, MinProc = 1, MaxProc = 2, ASQCount = 5cgi SVGNAME = cgig, MinProc = 1, MaxProc = 2, ASQCount = 5ssi SVGNAME = ssig, MinProc = 1, MaxProc = 2, ASQCount = 5default SVGNAME = jsvg, MinProc = 5, MaxProc = 5, ASQCount = 5*URIuri1 Uri = "/cgi-bin/", Svrtype = CGIuri2 Uri = "/examples/", Svrtype = JSV*ALIASalias1 URI = "/cgi-bin/", RealPath = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/cgi-bin/"*LOGGINGlog1 Format = "DEFAULT", FileName = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/log/access_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync"log2 Format = "ERROR", FileName = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/log/error_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync"log3 Format = "SYSLOG", FileName = "/home/webtob/jeus7/webserver/log/system_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync"*EXThtm MimeType = "text/html", SvrType = HTMLjsp Mimetype = "application/jsp", Svrtype=JSV
I run the command
wscfl -i ws_engine.m
Here is webtob's log :
[2020/07/12:12:00:27] WSM-8844 I WSM0087: WebtoB on node (deepin) is starting. Version=WebtoB 4.1 SP 8 Fix #1 Linux-K2.6_x64 FD8192 B291 epoll 2015/01/29, edition=Light, type=REAL [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0012: Preparing the listening points during the initialization. [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0055: Preparing the listening points. mask=0xfffe0000, arg1=-1, index=-1, maximum listen set size=0 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0054: Initializing the listening points. [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0007: Accepted a connection from HTH. new fd=5 errno=0(Success)[2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0033: Adding a new HTH to the HTH set. fd=5 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0034: Found an unused slot for the new HTH. no=0, fd=5, status=0, pid=-1 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0018: Received a register request from HTH. index=0, fd=5 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0019: Adjusting the listening points for the newly registered HTH. index=0 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0055: Preparing the listening points. mask=0xffff, arg1=-1, index=-1, maximum listen set size=1 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0056: Listening point needs a new socket. addr=, type=0x1, hthno=-1, status=1 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0047: Create a listen socket. addr=, port=8080, backlog=511, sendbufsize=0, recvbufsize=0 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0057: Listening point status=LISTEN. [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0055: Preparing the listening points. mask=0x10000, arg1=0, index=-1, maximum listen set size=1 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTL-8845 I HTL0021: Successfully registered HTH. Start listening for this HTH. index=0, fd=5 [2020/07/12:12:00:27] HTH-8846 I HTH0074: Successfully connected and registered to HTL. HTH is ready to receive client connections.
But the port 9900 is not be listened. Can you help me ?
This the jeus7's server log:
[2020.07.12 12:06:03][1] [adminServer-92] [WEB-3347] deepin-hth0: Connecting to WebtoB[localhost:9900] failed because of a network error [java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused]. Check if WebtoB is running. If it is not, contact the administrator.
I am a student. I have a small report to write on OpenFrame.
In the openframe guide i found the term "OFAdmin". Is that the old name of OpenFrame Manager ?